Welcome back to the Proje’ blog! Now, when you’re getting down and dirty inside your vehicle, hands and knees, really trying to get everything super clean, it can feel like a real chore. Stains, dirt, crumbs – it’s all there – the hours and hours of being underfoot taking their toll on your floors and carpets. Then there’s the dreaded pet hair…

Pet hair can be a nightmare, when it weaves its way into the fibers of your carpeting. This is possible the most dreaded of jobs, as it so easily becomes entangled, resulting in a carpet that doesn’t respond to vacuuming. It’s just a nightmare and getting it out by hand is not just unpleasant – it’s also virtually impossible. When it comes to your interior, though, there is always a handy piece of kit or a gadget to solve the issue. In this case, it’s not a product – it’s a brush.

Proje’ Pet Hair Brush

Our Pet Hair Brush is without doubt the most effective way to remove stubborn pet hair that has weaved its way through the carpeting fibers.. Use it again and again in conjunction with a vacuum cleaner and wash with warm water after use, so that all hair is removed from the brush in preparation for reuse. Our pet hair brush is incredibly effective at removing pet hair and other hair much more quickly than your average brush. The thick bristles generate static electricity as you brush, which serves as a natural magnet, pulling hair from your carpets with extreme effectiveness. At the same time, it is soft and gentle, so it can be used with force on carpets and more delicate upholstery without the risk of damage or a fraying effect. The two-sided handle has a raised rubber back which can also stick to hair, lifting it off the carpet without you needing to touch it and get your hands dirty. Our pet hair brush is also reusable, so you won’t need to replace it all the time as you would with a lint roller every time it loses its stick. Work in one direction so that hair you have loosened isn’t then returned to where it was, and wash with warm water after use, so that all hair is removed from the brush in preparation for reuse.

We estimate that this process will take you 5-10 minutes but it will certainly be effective. And, of course, once you’ve remover that hair, you’ll have a clearer surface to work on with your cleaning products. Check out our Intensive Process Complete Kit and get started on your dash, your glass, your upholstery and leather, and the odor in your vehicle – and finish with something that’s real showroom quality! And for the rest of the debris that finds its way around your car, check out our Carpet and Upholstery Brush – our sturdy, deep-reaching brush that makes cleaning floor mats, carpeting and cloth seats simple and effective, saving you time and energy with its streamlined grip aiding grip so that you can really get in to your fabric and remove every last bit of dirt.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this week’s blog – stay tuned for more tips and tricks next week. We’re going to feature more of our kits each month too, so keep an eye out for more great all-in-one deals and some incredible discounts!

If you have any questions about any of the techniques or products that we’ve mentioned in this post, just add a comment below and we’ll post a reply! Remember that we stock only the best auto detailing supplies, so why not click some of the links in this blog post, or visit our products page to find out more? From all of us at Proje’, Enjoy the Process!